Also, I love the bus cartoon. I feel the line would be longer. Like Department of Motor Vehicles long.

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That's very funny!

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Thank you for the compliment!

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Congratulations on all of your effort and dedication coming to fruition. I like your description of the days of mental preparation required to start working on a book. It takes me days of preparation just to write some sentences.

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Thank you very much for the subscription upgrade and taking the time to respond. I'm leaning in as well as learning a lot about myself. My webcomic is titled "COsMIC SHIFT" and I have found myself shifting spiritually as my mother shifts physically and mentally.

I was wondering if I may post your comments from "Stuff I Learned Crossing the Finish Line" for a group I belong to called Kids Comics Unite (https://kidscomicsunite.com). It's a bunch of us graphic novel writers and illustrators and I know they would find your processing informative and inspiring, just as I did.

Thanks again for your time, it's been a pleasure!


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You mean the post itself? You are welcome to share this link: https://thebob.substack.com/p/my-new-book-is-out-today

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Purchased your book and absolutely love it! Your style is just fabulous and I especially loved learning about your process in creating it. I'm experiencing similar challenges as I get ready to launch my web comic about being the full time caregiver for my 90-year-old mother. Thanks for the inspiration!

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Dear Janise, Thanks for this compliment and supporting my work -- I just upgraded your subscription, as promised, to free lifetime paid.

Regarding your Mom. Until people are in your shoes, it's hard to appreciate the challenge and emotional toll. I started the next sentences over and over and ultimately erased what I wrote to you because it was too negative and I shouldn't jump to conclusions. That said, keep in touch and hope you carve out time for your web comic and perhaps lean into your situation, which is what you are doing.



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Launch party!! Congrats. Looks beautiful.

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Happy pub day!!

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Congratulations, Bob! "just make sure you fail doing exactly what you want to do. " -- this is so wonderful, because I have a new book, too, and the fact that I did exactly what I wanted makes it worth it, whatever happens.

The Goodreads giveaway: if you get a chance, look my book over ("This New Internet Thing") and tell me if you think it makes sense for me. I have a feeling that micro-targeting my audience is a better approach for me, but, as you said, "who knows?"

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I checked it out. Hard to say as it's definitely late to run a giveaway. But still possible to benefit from it. Nobody can guess but what I see as your challenge is a lack of a specific platform (Ex., you're not speaking at tech conventions or have a built-in audience or a radio or TV show I can see.). What is your strategy in that regard? What publications would be your wheelhouse to advertise or work for?

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Thanks. "Publications" -- I don't really relate to that, but I have several social media communities that I'm active in, that I think are my audience.

Facebook: Internet Old Farts, Xerox Workstation Alums (Star, XNS, Globalview), my own "friends" (600 or so).

Email: internet-history, ex-xerox-employees

LinkedIn: professional contacts, 400 or so

NextDoor: since most of the action takes place in Silicon Valley, people who live here are an audience.

Google search ads and Amazon ads: I actually worked in Ads at Google, so this OUGHT to be in my wheelhouse (I wish I'd paid more attention when I worked there!) It does accomplish micro-targeting.

Now, when you say "publications" : I actually HAD been wondering if Display Ads on specific magazines would work. The problem is: no one reads magazines or watches TV anymore

podcasts? Also not sure those would be worth it.

Now, for your book: to me, it seems more appropriate for "book lovers" or people who read art magazines.

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A few other things occur to me: I have a blurb, actually! Check it out: https://albertcory.io.

A Computer Science teacher is an ideal influencer, I think. I've consciously Friended them on Facebook.

Also, on yours: since it's a hardcover, it's a great gift book. I can imagine giving it to anyone who travels a lot.

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I thinking Facebook ads and Amazon ads would be a better investment than GoodReads giveaway, if you had to pick one or the other. Local libraries and befriending your local bookstore certainly is a place to start although your book is only digital?

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Thanks, no, there IS a paperback coming out May 29. For some reason, it doesn't show up on Amazon. I just ordered some Author Copies.

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Well, that's great. So my previous suggestions: libraries, bookstores, other in-person opportunities is a start. Listen to Free Advice Fridays.

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This was a very interesting read, Bob. Can't wait till my copy arrives--I've been anxious to see the finished piece.

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Mazel tov, bob!!! Love the letter, can't wait to get my hands on the book!! Wishing you the big success you deserve.

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This is very impressive, Bob. Much congratulations.

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Thank you, Wendy.

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Perfect. Thanks!!

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