(Writing down those tips...) Single panel cartooning is HARD. I've tried it. Rarely successfully. Hilary is one of the best in the business.

And Death Star Canteen with animated Lego is the best thing on the Internet (are we still capitalising that, or am I showing my age?).

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Your candid report on the state of the cartooning biz is much appreciated. Good grief. If it’s any consolation, your rant did have me laughing out loud.

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i loved this article and remembered how much i miss print. as a JD i could afford the books, magazines and newspapers, then as my family describes me and my MDiv (and times have changed) i can't afford much.... but James Thurber---i love him. i ran to my bookcases and vf conditon Alarms and Diversions is waiting to be perused. i would give it to the author of the article if i knew how. The whole piece of work was wonderful. i hate this digital form & don't even have a computer anymore. Peace & grace to all you great writers. do i leave an email?

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