"Gooh, Yarg, and Gug walk into a bar..."

Love your caveman names, Bob. And this issue.

The strangest joke I wrote that David Letterman used on the Late Show was, "You know what I like most about New York City cab drivers? It's their crisp white bow ties."

It bombed, of course, and he loved it, and did call-backs to it throughout the show. His laughing at its oddity and failure made the audience laugh with him. No one else could have gotten away with it. The humor was in the character — his.

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Love it.

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Great read Bob.

To your point on humor is at its funniest when it’s visual.

I agree.

If you're able to engage with the viewer's/reader's imagination, prompting them to visualize comedic situations, it often leads to a more memorable and impactful experience.

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that's very kind of you, I had bookmarked your publication, not subscribed, fixed that now. It's the @humorthatworks.com email address

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I love “Mr. Fix-It BC!” The columnist’s sincerity is perfect with the visual humor. There’s also a great surprise moment when the homeowner asks for advice about privacy for nature’s call. My mind immediately went to “toilet,” but no. The answer is “shovel.” Of course.

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I appreciated your comments about freelancing. The erosion of so many professions- particularly in the creative world- is really depressing, but it helps to share these experiences. On a happier note, looking forward to seeing you at Erma next month!

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Excellent BOB!

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Thanks, Laura!

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Thanks for that. I'm going to up you to free Paid subscription.

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Leslie, thanks so much for writing. Are you working on something in particular that you hope Erma gives you a push toward Finish Line?

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One of the buttons are now not working right. The one to get a Free paid subscription. Just please email me at Snowmanexpert@gmail.com, to reach me.

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